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Worker bee’s everyday work
Bees are quite “genetically programmed” to perform tasks with a single purpose: the survival of the beehive. Like a computer, the bees do not perform any operation unless they accept the appropriate impulse. Depending on the received impulse from other … Read More

Pollen as a dietary supplement?
Pollen can be derived from different flowering and this means that two jars pollen can be very different. Thus, nutrients of each pollen are different. The protein content in pollen has range from 7,5 to 35 %. It contains usually … Read More
The mystery of royal jelly
Similarly to pollen, royal jelly can be used as a dietary supplement because of their nutritious value. They have published many chemical analyzes of royal jelly in recent years. After the latest technological developments, we are able to provide detailed … Read More

Therapeutic propolis
Propolis is composed of wax (30%), resins (55%), essential oils (10%) and pollen (5%). Logically, according the flora around the hive, propolis content is different. This is because each plant has different resins, essential oils and pollen! Each plant is … Read More

What is the most important work of the bee?
The first thing that comes to mind about bees is honey. But this extraordinary insect has a mission greater than honey: the reproduction of plants. Bees are continuously working to create bring food on our table. In fact, they keep … Read More

Honey or sugar in your tea?
One gram of refined sugar has about the same calories (4 calories) with a gram honey (3 calories) (USDA). But all calories are not the same for our health! (Lustig, 2015) One teaspoon of sugar (4,2g) or honey (21g) have … Read More
Honey: from the flower on your plate
Bee needs pollen and nectar to live. Pollen is stored to give it energy when needed. Nectar is the substance of which honey is created. But how does nectar is converted into honey? The bee has two “stomachs”, one for … Read More
Bee’s “tools”
The eyes. Bees and other pollinators see the world different from us. They have three simple eyes (at the top of the head) and two composite eyes (at the side of the head). Moreover, because they see a different range … Read More
Can the hive live without the queen?
How bees are such an organized society? The answer is “queen bee”! Her importance in the hive is huge and from ancient times it was often linked to a goddess! The queen is the only person in the beehive (an … Read More