Explore the world of bees and learn her secrets
See the bees in close distance
Worker bee’s everyday work;
Bees are quite “genetically programmed” to perform tasks with a single purpose: the survival of the beehive. Like a computer, the bees do not perform any operation unless they accept the appropriate impulse. Depending on the received impulse from other bees or the environment, they make the appropriate task every time. Their reactions are really remarkable in just a few milliseconds! The division of tasks are made depending the age of each bee.
Cleanliness. Once born the bee, starts to work! For three days, she take care of the cleanliness of cells. Cleaning (removal of dead brood or bees, disinfection / sealing with propolis) continues in parallel with other tasks for about two weeks. Cleanliness is everything in a beehive! If a cell is not clean, it is not used for storage of food and Queen will not give birth on it.
Larvae nannies. The “nannies” of the hive are 4-12 days. They feed the larvae and control them more than a thousand times every day!
Queen care. On the 7-12 day of their lives, some young worker bees feed the queen royal jelly, clean, take care of and help spread her pheromones in the hive, so bees are “coordinated” as beehive.
Storage. On the 12th day of their life, some workers take the nectar and pollen from the largest workers which are returning from outside. After, they start “cooking” nectar into honey.
Ventilation. On day 12 the bees start to participate in the control of temperature and humidity within the hive. With an excessively quick movement of their wings, bees maintain the proper temperature while moisture is removed by the honey before it is sealed.
Water. During the summer months many of the bees are bringing water blister in order to “refresh” the others inside, but also, in this way, they lower the temperature in the hive.
The Builders. Even many of the frames are ready-built by beekeepers, bees after the 12-14 day of their lives, have mature glands that produce wax to manufacture or seal their cells.
The Guards. The worker bee before start coming out from the hive as food collector, at the 18-21 day of her life, she becomes the guardian of her home. The guard checks (by smell) whoever enters the cell. If they identify intruders like wasps, other insects or even foreign bees, are attacking them.
The Collectors. On the 21st day and for the remaining life of the worker bee, she leaves the hive and search for food (pollen, nectar and propolis).
The Detectives. When collectors find a food source, she returns to the hive and informs her sisters, leading them to the source.